ANGSD: Analysis of next generation Sequencing Data

Latest tar.gz version is (0.938/0.939 on github), see Change_log for changes, and download it here.


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ANGSD is a software for analyzing next generation sequencing data. The software can handle a number of different input types from mapped reads to imputed genotype probabilities. All methods talk genotype uncertainty into account instead of basis the analysis on called genotypes. This is especially useful for low and medium depth data. The software is written in C++ and can handle thousands of samples

Overview of input and intermediary data

<classdiagram type="dir:LR"> [sequence data]->[genotype;likelihoods] [genotype;likelihoods]->[genotype;probabilities] [sequence files|bam files;SOAP files{bg:orange}]->[sequence data] [glf files|glfv3;soapSNP{bg:orange}]->[genotype;likelihoods] [genotype prob|beagle output{bg:orange}]->[genotype;probabilities] </classdiagram>

Analysis from sequencing data

<classdiagram> // [input|bam files;SOAP files{bg:orange}]->[sequence data]

[sequence data]->[output|summary stats;phat estimates;error estimates{bg:blue}]

Analysis from genotype likelihoods

<classdiagram> //[input data|glf files{bg:orange}]->[genotype;likelihoods] [genotype;likelihoods]->[output|glf files;beagle files;MAF estimates;MAF associations;SNP Calling;realSFS;error estimates;Inbreeding{bg:blue}]


Analysis from genotype probabilities

<classdiagram> //[input data|beagle output{bg:orange}]->[genotype;probabilities] [genotype;probabilities]->[output|genotype calling;MAF estimates;associations{bg:blue}]




angsd.g++ -outfiles samtools -GL 1 uppile -b ceu5.mapped.list soapsnp If no recalibration matrix exists these will be created first. angsd.g++ -outfiles soapsnp -GL 0 uppile -b ceu5.mapped.list gatk

angsd.g++ -outfiles gatk -GL 2 uppile -b ceu5.mapped.list

angsd.g++ -outfiles suyeon -doCounts 1 -qs 20 -doLike 1 uppile -b ceu5.mapped.list

Wish list

1. start stop to work with soap input (Not gonna happen I think)