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Software for inferring relatedness even if the individuals are admixed. To infer the relatedness you will need to known the individuals admixture proportions and the allele frequencies in each of the possible populations. This can be done e.g. using the program Admixture.



Download folder

Installation of R package

R CMD INSTALL relateAdmix_0.05.tar.gz

Installation of C program

tar -xvzf relateAdmix_0.05.tar.gz 
cd relateAdmix/src/ 
mv CPP_Makefile Makefile

Run example

Run example using R

After installing the package you can load it into R and try the example


This shows an example of how to use the package. More information can be found in the man pages


Run example using C

After installing the program you can try running it on the example data set in the data folder, which consists of individuals that are admixtures from 2 source populations.

If you are in the src folder where you installed relateAdmix and you have the software Admixture installed this can be done as follows:

cd ../data

# First run Admixture to produce population specific allele frequencies (smallPlink.2.P) 
# and individual ancestry proportions (smallPlink.2.Q).
# (note other programs can also be used, e.g. Structure and FRAPPE)
admixture smallPlink.bed 2 

# Then run relateAdmix
../src/relateAdmix -plink smallPlink -f smallPlink.2.P -q smallPlink.2.Q -P 20